With a credit card, you can buy your favorite things whenever you want and pay for them at a later date. You can book airline tickets, hotels, car rentals, and more with a Citi credit card and get rewarded for each spend too needs.

Credit card payment, if not done on time, can lead to a surge in your debt amount and, at the same time, affect your credit score. Such financial habits can harshly impact your relationship with financial institutions and make it difficult for you to get loans and other services easily in the future.

How to Pay Your Credit Card Bills?

Ensuring timely Citibank credit card payment is a must. However, it might not be feasible to visit a bank or a branch each time to do so. To keep such limitations at bay, you can check out the easy ways through which you can pay your credit card bills in the UAE on time.

Make an online transfer from your Citi Account

Save time and pay your Citi Credit Card online in 5 easy steps via Citi Mobile or Citi Online!

How to pay online

    Sign on to Citi Mobile or Citi online at https://online.citibank.ae

    Select the credit card you want to pay

    Select the account you want to pay from

    Select the amount, date, purpose for transfer and click ‘Next’

    Verify and confirm to complete

Make an online transfer from your Other Bank Account

Save time! Pay your Citi Credit Card Bills from your UAE bank account in minutes

The easiest way to pay your Citi Credit Card is from your existing UAE bank account online. Save time and avoid paying your Citi Card balance from an ATM

Login in to your digital banking with the bank you hold your account with and follow the below easy steps to pay your credit card:

    Select ‘Payments and Transfers’ option section and select ‘Other UAE Credit Card”

    Enter your personal information requested such as ‘Name, Contact number, email ID’

    Enter the Citi Credit Card number you wish to pay

    Enter Citibank as the issuing bank and the address as ‘Oud Metha, Dubai’

    The total amount to pay

    Purpose of transfer

    Verify and complete


* Some banks may ask you for the SWIFT or BIC code for Citi, this is 'CITIAEAD'
* Payments may take up to 3 days to process

Note: Your bank may levy a processing fee of AED 1 for this transaction.

Set up a Direct Debit payment from your Citi bank or non-Citibank account and ensure that your credit card balance is paid regularly and conveniently every month.

How to set up Direct Debit from your Non-Citibank Account
How to set up Direct Debit on Citibank Online


What is Direct Debit?

A Direct Debit payment instruction is a financial transaction, in which, based on your instruction Citi will automatically receive the payment towards your Citi Credit Card from the registered bank account on the due date.

Direct Debit Instructions are normally used for making recurring payments, where the payment amounts vary from one payment to another.

Please maintain sufficient funds in your account to pay your credit card monthly due. In the event of any shortfall against the statement due, you will be liable for any late fee and finances charges incurred as per the Schedule of Fees and Charges available on www1.citibank.ae.

How to Set up Direct Debit from your Non-Citibank Account

Enroll for the direct debit facility from your bank Account within the UAE. You can conveniently download the direct debit form from the Download Center. Fill in the required details, and mail it to us at :

P.O.BOX 749
Or, submit it at any Citibank branch/ Financial centers.

Please note that the payee bank may apply charges.

How to Set up Direct Debit on Citibank Online

To learn how you can set up direct debit transactions using Citibank Online, our secure online banking system, please View this demo. To set up Direct Debit through Citibank Online, click here.

Direct Debit Instruction is a financial transaction wherein Citibank will debit money from your account, as per your instruction, to pay another bank account. You can use this method to pay your credit card bills, utility bills, etc.

After you initiate the Direct Debit Instruction, you must ensure that your Citibank account has enough funds so that it can satisfy your liabilities to the beneficiary. In case there are more than one Direct Debit Requests, they will be processed on a first-in first-out basis. If the funds in your Citibank account are insufficient then the requests will be dishonoured and the Direct Debit will be returned without referral by Citibank. You will also be responsible for any penalties and fees charged by Citibank if there is any shortfall. Also, it is to be noted that partial payments are not allowed.

You can also pay your Citi Credit Card balance at an exchange house through the UAE Funds Transfer System (UAEFTS). Please ensure that the exchange house supports Citibank payments.

UAEFTS is the Real Time Gross Settlement system of the United Arab Emirates, hosted by the Central Bank of the UAE. The system facilitates the transfer of funds between banks and other financial institutions in the UAE via their accounts held with the Central Bank.

Please note that the exchange house may levy a transaction fee for accepting the payment.

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